AJ Jakubowska AJ Jakubowska

How long will family mediation take?

When we receive mediation-related calls into the office, Carolyn, who fields all such calls, is often asked the question posed in the title. It is difficult to answer it on the spot because the response depends on a number of factors: - some of which are within your control and some of which are not. Imagine getting into a cab and asking the driver how long the ride will take without telling him or her where you are going and without knowing whether there is any traffic along the way or road construction, for example.

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AJ Jakubowska AJ Jakubowska

Another post about preparing for family mediation

When you come to family mediation you will hopefully have your family law lawyer at your side, either virtually or in person. The other party will be there as well, as will their lawyer and of course, the dialogue will proceed with the assistance of a family mediator.

In advance of the mediation session you may think to yourself: “I will just let things play out as they must and because I was told by my lawyer that no one can force me to settle, I will play it by ear and see what happens. I can make decisions on the spot if I need to, and walk away if I want to. “

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AJ Jakubowska AJ Jakubowska

Mediating Financial Issues - “What does the mediator need from me?”

Family mediation can address a variety of issues arising out of a separation. This includes “finances” and here, the reference can mean support, as in child and spousal support, or assets and debts (and how to address them once separation takes place). When you come to a family mediator to talk about any of these topics, you need to come prepared for the dialogue. More than that, you need to give the mediator tools with which to try and resolve the dispute. Let’s consider these tools in more detail.

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